Guarding Every Drop – Nurturing Life


General Information

The information Aqua Aegis gives on is only meant to be useful as general information. The information on the Site is given in good faith. Still, we don’t promise or guarantee that it is correct, complete, up-to-date, valid, reliable, available, or accurate in any way. This includes any implied or stated warranties.

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The Site can’t give specific help and doesn’t. Please note that this information is only meant to educate and teach you and should not be used instead of professional advice. We therefore advise you to speak with the proper professionals before acting based on such information. Not specific type of advice: for example, environmental, economic, health, etc.

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Links to other websites or material belonging to or coming from third parties, as well as links to websites and features, may be present on the Site (or you may be sent there). These external links are not looked into, watched, or checked by us for correctness, sufficiency, validity, dependability, availability, or completeness.

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We work hard to make sure that the information on our Site is correct, but we can’t be held responsible for any mistakes or missing information or for what happens when you use this information.

Fair Use Disclaimer

Content that is protected by copyright may be used on the Site without the owner of the copyright giving specific permission. This information is on the Site to help people learn more about environmental, educational, and other problems. According to section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Law, we think this is a “fair use” of any copyrighted work in question.

Views Expressed Disclaimer

Thoughts and feelings on the Site are only those of the authors who wrote them. They do not always reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer, or company, including AquaAegis.

No Responsibility Disclaimer

The information on the Site is given with the understanding that the writers and publishers are not involved in providing legal or other professional advice or service at this time. Because of this, it shouldn’t be used instead of talking to trained professionals like accountants, lawyers, tax experts, and others.

“Use at Your Own Risk” Disclaimer

All information on the Site is given “as is,” meaning that there is no guarantee of its completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or the outcomes that may be obtained from using it. There is also no express or implied warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to, warranties of performance, merchantability, or fitness for a specific purpose.